ESSV Konferenz Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung

4 Results for given search request:

"Christoph Norrenbrock" in Authors


Towards a better understanding of TTS Synthesis: Subjective quality and its instrumental assessment

Christoph Norrenbrock, Florian Hinterleitner, Ulrich Heute, Sebastian Möller

Predicting the quality of synthesized speech using reference-based prediction measures

Florian Hinterleitner, Steve Zabel, Sebastian Möller, Lutz Leutelt, Christoph Norrenbrock


On the Use of Fujisaki Parameters for the Quality Prediction of Synthetic Speech

Florian Hinterleitner, Christoph Norrenbrock, Sebastian Möller


Perceptual quality dimensions of Text-to-Speech systems in audiobook reading tasks

Florian Hinterleitner, Christoph Norrenbrock, Sebastian Möller